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Racing Details

Stay up to date with your favorite sport at the Switchback RC in the Village tracks signing up to our newsletter. We’ll keep you posted about everything Switchback RC in the Village is up to, including upcoming special events, news, how-to videos, and much more. Stay in the loop and make sure you never miss any of our events!  KEEP SCROLLING FOR LINKS TO RULES

Dirt Oval

Dirt Oval racing is every Tuesday nights doors open at 5 p.m. and Saturday nights doors open at 3 p.m.  There are organized practices on the tracks prior to racing each night.


Stateline RC Pullers & RC Monster Truck Challenges

Gather one Saturday a month events that begin at 9 a.m.


This is the page to link to each group of rules.


Dirt Oval

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Dirt Pullers


Monster Truck Challenge


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